What is Debt Counseling?

Debt Counseling has been made available to consumers who cannot afford to meet their monthly obligations. This process was introduced by the NCA (National Credit Act). This is supported and regulated by the NCR (National Credit Regulator).

This legislation enables the creation of a DEBT COUNSELOR, who after appropriate training and accreditation is empowered to work with clients in order to ease their debt situation.

Acting quickly is vital as once you are summonsed by your creditors, you can no longer apply for Debt Counseling. Find out more about how we can help you in our Services section >>>

Qualified NCR ACCREDITED counselors are here to help you and protect your assets.
We can restructure your debt by negotiating repayment terms and better interest rates with your creditors.
Reduce you repayments by up to 50% while being protected against your creditors.